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Adam Baldwin

Adam Baldwin to guest at Austin, TX Serenity Charity Screening

Monday 19 February 2007, by Webmaster

Can’t Stop The Serenity / Equality Now Event

I am sure many of you are familiar with the Can’t Stop The Serenity event we are hosting on or around June 23rd this year.

If you aren’t, let me give you a brief synopsis.

First, the website is: http://cantstoptheserenity.com

Can’t Stop The Serenity (CSTS) is an organization made entirely of Browncoats. CSTS coordinates screenings of Serenity to benefit Equality Now, www.equalitynow.org, an organization supported by Joss Whedon. Equality Now is a charity organization that works to protect the human rights of women around the world, focusing on reforming discriminatory laws and practices.

Now, why I am posting here. I am in need of Firefly/Serenity goods and wares to raffle off at the Austin, TX event @ the Downtown Alamo Drafthouse on June 23rd. We are hoping to have Adam Baldwin as a guest and we definitely want to impress him, as well as Equality Now with how commited we are to making this year even more successful than last year.

Our goal? $100,000 in donations.

Last year? We made $65,000.

If anyone can do this, we can. Us Browncoats are a tenacious group of people.

I appreciate any and all help you can provide. If you are in the Austin, TX area, we are in need of your support. Shoot me an email @ beth@cantstoptheserenity.com


Can’t Stop The Serenity. "Last year, we did the impossible. This year, we top it."