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From Comicscontinuum.com

Amy Acker

Amy Acker’s Huntress joins Baccarin’s Black Canary in upcoming JLU episode

Saturday 26 February 2005, by Webmaster


Gail Simone, the writer of Birds of Prey and Action Comics, told The Continuum she enjoyed writing an episode of Cartoon Network’s Justice League Unlimited.

"It was great," she said. "It was different from writing comics in that more people have input. It was fun and a really great experience. If I was asked, I would certainly do it again."

Simone’s episode is called "Double Date" and features Green Arrow, The Question, The Huntress and Black Canary. She said it really doesn’t involve a romantic date.

The episode hasn’t been schedule yet and Simone said she hasn’t seen it.

"Bruce Timm, the producer, tells me it’s awesome," Simone said.

Voices in the episode include Amy Acker as The Hunter, Kin Shriner as Green Arrow, Jeffrey Combs as The Queston and Morena Baccarin as Black Canary.