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Joss Whedon

An Open Letter to Joss Whedon by Tvovermind.com

Wednesday 24 June 2009, by Webmaster

Dear Joss,

Big fan here (I could list all the various projects of yours, but you know what you’ve worked on and the only one I haven’t cared for is the original Buffy movie — but from what I understand, that’s not your fault). Suffice to say: Big fan here. I’m sure you’re busy with Dollhouse andwrapping up Buffy: Season 8, but there’s a void I would like to draw your attention to.

Here in America, we don’t have any kind of “legacy” programming. We have shows that play for a couple of seasons and then disappear. We have the occasional show (Friends) that runs for ten years. We have reality TV. But we have nothing — and I repeat, nothing — like Britian’s Doctor Who.

Doctor Who, according to Wikipedia, has had 753 episodes (and I’m assuming that’s not counting Torchwood). The first episode aired 46 years ago. There was a bit of a lull (complete lack of episodes) in the 90’s, but it’s back now and arguably better than ever. And my question is, why can’t America have something like that? It’s like we’re Marvel and Britian’s DC. Marvel has all these really great, flashy characters. DC, on the other hand, has legacies. They have the Flash legacy, the Green Lantern legacy, and now they have the Batman legacy. They have characters who, at a certain point, pass down the cape and tights to a junior character. Why am I telling you this? Because I believe Buffy could be America’s response to the good doctor.

We once thought Buffy was unique, that she was the only slayer this generation would see. But then we met Faith. And then, in the final arc of the show, we were introduced to more slayers than I could count. Using any one of these characters (Buffy, Faith, or the scores of slayers who survived Sunnydale’s implosion), a new show could be spun. Since Eliza’s busy with Dollhouse, I don’t foresee a Faith the Vampire Slayer show, but that doesn’t mean a Xander the Vampire Slayer or a Giles the Vampire Slayer Trainer or a I Was There When Sunnydale Went Kablooey the Vampire Slayer show can’t be done. We could introduce a brand new character in a brand new circumstance, fighting off the legions of hell. The show could run for as long as said slayer was interested and/or interesting, and then a new slayer could be introduced for a new season.

The slayers could be from anywhere, fighting what mythology and folklore is familiar to their background or surroundings. The slayers could range in age, temperment, species, and even (dare I say it?) sex. It’s a big world you’ve created, but one that doesn’t feel completely explored. Yet.

Vampires are here to stay. Heroes (of the normal and super variety) are here to stay. Myths are here to stay. Buffy is all those things, and a bit more — which is why the fanbase would eat it up. And restarting a show every couple of seasons, giving new viewers a chance to hop aboard with no knowledge of past continuity? Sounds like a studio’s dream come true.

I’m not saying “make it happen,” but, you know, it’d be super cool if you did.


PS: And a Doctor Horrible TV show? That’d be very cool too. We haven’t had very many (any?) supervillain shows and/or movies.