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From Angelsfooddrive.com

James Marsters

Angel’s Cake & James Marsters on Sharon Osbourne

Thursday 29 April 2004, by cally

Angel’s Food Drive sent a huge save Angel cake to the April 26th taping of The Sharon Osbourne Show. The show aired today, April 28th, with our cake appearing on screen with James Marsters (Spike) right after he performed with his band Ghost of the Robot!

’davendea’ sent us this report from the set:

"I was at the Sharon Osborne taping today, and the cake was wheeled out right after the Ghost of the Robot number (James’ band). It was shown in closeup, Sharon talked about it, and James cut the first piece, all on camera. There were other, little ice cream cakes with each guest’s photo throughout the show, because of a Baskin-Robbins promotion, but this one was presented as being something special. Unfortunately they didn’t share it with the audience. The warm-up guy said something about liability in case someone chokes, but I don’t think he was being serious. I think they just didn’t want an audience full of people eating cake when they should be clapping. And they were really taken off guard by how wildly we were cheering for James. They said that they haven’t heard an audience go that wild since the time Ozzy showed up unexpectedly."