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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

BTVS is a show that i started watching due to the hype

Kelly West

Tuesday 1 January 2008, by Webmaster

Generally when it comes to TV shows that are getting a lot of hype, there are three types of people. We have the hypers: These are the people who have been watching the series from the beginning and rave about it constantly. We have the anti-hypers: These are the people who claim to hate the show but haven’t really given it a fair shot and whether they’re willing to admit it or not, dislike the hype more than they actually dislike the series. Then there are those of us who jump on the bandwagon when they hear that a series is great. In general, I count myself among the latter group but that wasn’t always the case.

Once upon a time, I thought if I hadn’t discovered a TV show on my own, it probably wasn’t worth watching. I guess you could say I was an anti-hyper. Take Buffy the Vampire Slayer for example. If you’ve read my previous columns, you’re probably all too aware of my love of all things Whedon and yeah, I tend to gush about Buffy but my experience in watching the series for the first time is really the best example I have to explain my transformation from an anti-hyper to a bandwagon jumper. Before I gave Buffy a chance I didn’t understand how a show about a teenager who killed vampires could be as great as everyone said it was. The series aired for seven years and while I was fully aware of its existence as well as its growing popularity (and obsessive fanbase), I refused to watch it. Two years after the Buffy ended I finally caved and watched a few episodes with my husband. I became instantly hooked and preceded to watch the entire series on DVD. While I have absolutely no regrets about watching the series in its entirety multiple times since then, I am sad that I was too stubborn to give in and watch the show when it was on. There’s really something to be said for getting to watch a series unfold season after season.

Falling in love with Buffy, followed quickly by Angel and Firefly (all thanks to TV on DVD) taught me a lesson. Sometimes when people say something’s great, it really is. Sure, it’s nice to be able to say that you started watching a show right from the beginning. It feels better to be on the bandwagon from the start than to have to admit that you were one of the people who jumped on board because of the hype. I’m at the point though where I really don’t care. Good TV is good TV. If enough people say its good, there’s a good chance that it is. There are obvious exceptions to that of course. Millions tune in to Dancing with the Stars each season and I’ve really tried to get into that show but I just don’t get it. It does absolutely nothing for me, regardless of which celebrities are involved. I did give the series a chance though. This is something I probably wouldn’t have bothered with, had I not come to learn that sometimes the masses are right. Sometimes.

On the plus side, following the hype has lead me to watch some great shows like Battlestar Galactica, Veronica Mars, Alias, Arrested Development and 24. So given the fact that most of the current TV shows are off the air due to the strike, maybe its time to give in and rent one of those shows you’ve been hearing so many great things about.

Are there any favorite shows that you started watching due to the hype? Post a comment below!