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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy direct to DVD - Davisdvd.com Rumor Mill

Sunday 20 November 2005, by Webmaster

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Marti Noxon, executive producer of UPN’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer in its last seasons, revealed that continued fan interest in a big-budget "Buffy" film has led creator Joss Whedon to consider a series of direct-to-DVD movies. "There are serious discussions going on about bringing some of the characters back and making a few movies that will go straight to DVD, but they will certainly be the quality they have always been."

A few of the show’s past writers, including Drew Goddard and Tim Minear, already have been contacted about turning in script ideas, but Noxon also added that she doubts stars Sarah Michelle Gellar and Alyson Hannigan would reprise their respective roles as Buffy and Willow (both have moved on to film roles and Hannigan is also now a regular on the CBS sitcom "How I Met Your Mother").

Noxon believes that the best option for a Buffy-verse film would be to center on James Marsters’ "Spike" or David Boreanaz’s "Angel." Noxon, currently a consulting producer on Fox’s "Prison Break," isn’t involved in writing any of the DVD movie scripts, however, but she could be in the future. "If I get involved it would be for the Buffy-related films, not Angel, because I’m far more plugged into Buffy." Thanks to Sci Fi Wire.