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Charisma Carpenter

Charisma Carpenter - Charmed "Witchness Protection" - Good Quality Screencaps

Saturday 23 July 2005, by Webmaster

Charisma Carpenter - Charmed "Witchness Protection" - Good Quality Screencaps - Gallery

IMG/jpg/charisma-carpenter-charmed-witchness-protection-screencaps-gq-01.jpg (...) IMG/jpg/charisma-carpenter-charmed-witchness-protection-screencaps-gq-02.jpg (...) IMG/jpg/charisma-carpenter-charmed-witchness-protection-screencaps-gq-03.jpg (...)

4 Forum messages

  • She looks great, too bad Charmed is such a Buffy rip-off, bad acting etc etc (though I guess Charisma is good)
  • rip-off my ass, ever watch the show dumbass? And the acting is some of the best on television!
  • Ok, jake, just to please you, let’s say that, Charmed is "inspired" by Buffy. But let’s face it, it’ll never be as good as Buffy. I’ve watched the first 4 seasons on tv, and compared to Buffy, it’s nothing! (then again, not much is...) Charmed began with some medium quality episodes (there were a few episodes in the first season that I actually enjoyed) but it only went downhill. With Shannon leaving at the end of the third season, the acting got worse, and nowadays, it seems that, if an actress has boobs big enough, she gets hired on Charmed. (Of course, Charisma has soooo much more than just boobs). Not only did the acting get worse, the storylines got worse too, see for example how many fairy-tales they have covered over the years, just because they were out of fresh and exciting ideas. Another thing on Charmed that annoys me soooo much, is that the women are all so powerful and ALWAYS are the ones last standing. Where on Buffy, Xander could save the world, on Charmed, that would never happen. It’s all about pleasing the millions of girls who watch it, and to say that women are so much better. Well, there’s lots of other things that annoy me about Charmed (the jokes for example are bad, and all the pop-culture references are stolen from not only Buffy, but lots of other shows too) So, Jake, I have watched Charmed, enough to form an opinion about it. If you want quality TV, you should watch Buffy, Angel or Firefly!
  • I only sorta like CHARMED, mainly its just Sunday night fun.I dont have an issue with CHARMED being a show supposedly about females that kick butt. Its more honest than a show that claims that but then shoves a man in at the last minute to save the day. I wonder was that to remind the men of the world that a strong woman is incomplete without a man. Its okay for men to want women but they dont need us but we should NEED them. Ahh well the whole world is going to hell anyway at least CHARMED is good for laughs..lol