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Charisma Carpenter

Charisma Carpenter - "Veronica Mars" Tv Series - The Skywriting Campaign

Tuesday 9 May 2006, by Webmaster

From shane: Did you hear about the skywriting campaign to save Veronica Mars?

Kristin: Yes! I love it! I received a postcard today that read, "A large, dedicated group of Veronica Mars fans is pulling out all the stops to support the show’s move to the CW network. The group’s biggest effort is ensuring that on Tues., May 9, the day of Veronica Mars’ season two finale, CW stands for ’Cloud Watchers.’ During the morning and afternoon rush hours, an airplane is going to fly in the skies between the UPN offices in L.A. and the future site of the CW headquarters. The message: Renew Veronica Mars! CW 2006!" How effing cool is that?