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Crooks and Liars : John Amato’s On-Line Virtual Magazine (serenity mention)

Sunday 1 January 2006, by Webmaster

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Enjoy and be careful tonight. Someone sent me a streamling link to the Video of the Times Square Party.

Click here---or Click here...

3:37:25 PM Comments (116) permalink3:37:25 PM

Phil Donahue vs Bill O’Reilly

A picture named fox_of_donahue_sheehan_050921a1.jpgPhil Donahue vs Bill O’Reilly

(Originally posted on Sept. 21st) For your New Years’s Eve fun.

Falafel Bill’s head explodes!

Phil goes on the offensive immediately telling Billy that he’s leading the pack to marginalize Cindy Sheehan.

Video-WMP Bittorrent-WMP

Video-QT Bittorrent-QT

Donohue: Cindy Sheehan is one tough mother and nothing you say or anyone else is going to slow her down.

Bill: That’s fine, she’s has a right-

Phil:....You can’t hurt her, she’s already taken the biggest punch in the nose that a woman can take.

Bill, in his infinite wisdom asks: How? Phil: She’s lost a son-Bill: Oh, OK...

Phil asks O’Reilly if his children would fight in the war and the meltdown ensues. Bill tells him that his nephew just joined and blows his top. O’Reilly threatens to boot Donohue off the set for saying absolutely nothing. The bloviator really lost it, playing the " you’re denigrating him" card.

Bill, what did Phil say to denigrate him? Nothing. Donohue brought up Jeremy Glick.

Phil: I’m not Jeremy Glick, Billy...You can’t intimidate me...

Newshounds has the transcript up...

1:47:53 PM Comments (133) permalink1:47:53 PM

Bill Bennett: Seems he was on the Bush payroll

Bill Bennett: Seems he was on the Bush payroll

The CarpetBagger Report:

"But perhaps the most disconcerting aspect to Bennett moving to CNN is the questionable journalistic integrity he showed while working as a commentator for Fox News. Bennett would appear regularly on all of the major FNC programs and consistently, as one would expect, defended the Bush administration. Unfortunately, Bennett never disclosed the fact that his primary business venture at the time was on the administration’s payroll....read on"

1:42:31 PM Comments (50) permalink1:42:31 PM



I just watched the movie "Serenity" on DVD and it’s much better than I originally thought. When you look at all the money poured into "The Fantastic Four" and "Star Wars III"-Joss Whedon gets major props for making a low budget, Sc-Fi movie that is significantly better than any of the other major releases.

12:31:57 PM Comments (65) permalink12:31:57 PM

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