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Designers, celebs step lively in updated ’80s trend (michelle trachtenberg mention)

Lesley Kennedy

Thursday 29 June 2006, by Webmaster

There’s a fashion adage that notes if you wore a trend once, you should never wear it again.

As in: Gussied up in white, patent-leather go-go boots in the ’60s? Best to forgo them four decades later.

Strutted around town in giant bell-bottoms in the ’70s? Do us all a favor and skip them when you’re 30 years older.

So, what is a child or teen or woman of the ’80s to do when Flashdance-style leggings make a comeback in 2006? Well, Madonna isn’t afraid to wear the trend a second time around, and, with a little updating and some careful styling, you shouldn’t be scared of a little Jennifer Beals redux, either.

Leggings have, well, incredible legs this season, with celebs like Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie, Hilary Duff, Michelle Trachtenberg, Sienna Miller and Carmen Electra all sporting them. Designers from Marc Jacobs to Anna Sui to Heatherette to Donna Karan showed them on spring and fall runways. And local stores, as well as national retailers, say they’re having trouble even keeping them in stock.

To look fresh and updated, wear them under denim miniskirts, minidresses or long, flowing skirts or dresses and pair them with long, loose tunics or camisoles. And keep the shoes simple. Flats help give off that Audrey Hepburn look, while wedge sandals help dress them up for night.

Just don’t pair them with those off-the-shoulder, ripped sweatshirts, please. We’re looking for flash, not Flashdance. Now, grab a pair, get into the groove and make Jennifer Beals proud. What a feeling!