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"Die Hard 4", Owen Wilson, Matt Dillon, Mike Myers & More (joss whedon mention)

Thursday 1 June 2006, by Webmaster

Action sequel taps ’Underworld’ director; Wilson crashes on Dillon’s couch; Myers unveils his self-help guru.

Bruce Willis and "Underworld" fans are uniting with screams of "Yippee-ki-yay!" over the news that 33-year-old Len Wiseman will direct "Die Hard 4." The writer/director behind the horror series (and husband of leading lady Kate Beckinsale) will make his first non-"Underworld" film with the help of cinematic icon John McClane, the off-duty cop Willis made famous nearly 20 years ago. The film has dropped the "Die Hard 4.0" moniker that has trailed it through several scripts but will keep the rumored plot of bringing McClane out of retirement to battle an Internet-fueled terrorism attempt. The three "Die Hard" films (the last of which came out more than a decade ago) have earned a combined $740 million worldwide. ...

If Owen Wilson crashed in your living room and wouldn’t leave, would you toss him out the door or toss him a beer? That question will become far less hypothetical thanks to "You, Me and Dupree," an upcoming comedy with Matt Dillon and Kate Hudson as newlyweds clashing when the blond slacker lands on their couch. "Matt Dillon and Kate Hudson get married and I’m Matt’s best friend from childhood, and I become practically homeless to the point where I have to move in with them," Wilson said. Although Dillon’s character tries to be loyal to his friend, his new bride can’t stand Dupree’s lifestyle of booze, broads and brazen behavior. "He has a good heart," Wilson laughed about his character. "But you don’t necessarily want him as a house guest." Co-starring Michael Douglas in a rare comedic role, "You, Me and Dupree" takes residence in theaters July 14. ...

Roughly a decade ago, a post-"Saturday Night Live" Mike Myers tested a brand-new creation dubbed "Austin Powers," using the crowd’s responses to help him work out the kinks. Now the funnyman is ready to unleash his next creation: a new-age guru named Pitka. Myers has signed on to co-write, produce and star in a yet-untitled comedy about the character, an eccentric self-help guru hired to fix a couple’s romantic difficulties. Myers has been testing his Pitka persona in New York-area theaters, and although little is known about him, the character is reportedly enhanced by a fake nose and beard. ...

Get ready to dust off those red-and-blue Underoos a few days early, folks, because your chance to dress up and relive your childhood has just been moved up, up and away. Warner Bros. Pictures will now release "Superman Returns" on June 28 rather than the previously publicized June 30, giving geeks an even earlier glimpse of Bryan Singer’s highly anticipated blockbuster. ...

Eighty-one-year-old living legend Paul Newman might just end up headlining one of this year’s biggest hits - the Pixar/Disney adventure "Cars." Still, the star of too many classic films to count continues to talk retirement, as he has for nearly three decades. "I don’t seem to be living up to my timetable," he laughed. "But I may have one more movie in me." He’s focusing his famously blue eyes on a reunion with Robert Redford, whose previous films with Newman have yielded two of the greatest buddy flicks of all time ("Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" and "The Sting"). "I’m not sure what it’s going to be now," he said. "Redford and I are working on something, but it’s not by any means a slam dunk. We’re working on the script right now." Newman expects the film to mark his cinematic exit and promises the fans that it won’t be the absurd idea that’s hounded the two actors ever since their late-’60s success. "I don’t think there could ever be a sequel to ’Butch and Sundance,’ " Newman laughed. ...

Adam Sandler’s Happy Madison Productions has acquired the rights to "Jack and Jill," a comedy script that could be turned into a Sandler vehicle. The raunch-loving production company purchased the pitch from Ben Zook, a comedy veteran with several film scripts currently in development. Little is known about the project, but it is believed to center around a pair of twins. ...

The cult television sci-fi series "Firefly" may be gone, but its fans won’t budge. Their rallying cry led to last year’s "Serenity" hitting the big screen and will continue to keep the space adventures alive later this month when the flick is screened all over the world to benefit the favorite charity of creator Joss Whedon. Dubbed "Serenity Now/Equality Now," the event will screen "Serenity" in 40 cities in five countries on three continents. The shows will take place from June 22-24, and proceeds will benefit Equality Now, an organization supporting the protection and rights of women around the world. The date also coincides with the 41st birthday of Whedon, who is currently developing a "Wonder Woman" feature film. For more information, visit CantStopTheSerenity.com. ...

"Friends" co-creator Marta Kauffman has announced plans to team with documentarian Roberta Grossman for "Blessed Is the Match: The Life and Death of Hannah Senesh," detailing a tale of courage during the Holocaust. Senesh was a young Palestinian writer who volunteered for a mission to rescue Jews in her native Hungary, with her mother, Catherine, among those she hoped to set free. In 1944, she parachuted behind enemy lines and was ultimately executed, while her eventually freed mother attempted to save her daughter’s life in a cruel twist of fate. Kauffman and Grossman plan to film in Israel and Hungary this fall and have been granted access to hundreds of unpublished letters and photos from the Senesh family archive. The film is expected in theaters in early 2008.