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Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

"Dr. Horrible 2" Web Series - Written and Organized !

Sunday 4 April 2010, by Webmaster

Dr. Horrible News - Directly From Zack & Jed

The answer is "Yes".

"What’s the question?" you may be asking.

Do we need to say it?

Yes, Dr Horrible 2 is a go! And that’s directly from Zack & Jed.

Today Zack Whedon was at Golden Apple Comics in Hollywood signing his newly published Terminator comic book. The Whedonopolis team of Ray McDermott, Salena Roper, Suzanne Eggbrecht (aka The Button Lady) and I were there to assist the staff of Golden Apple with crowd control and Eugene Powers (aka Mad Russian) was on hand to take photos. Look for them in our gallery soon.

Toward the end of the event Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen came by to show their support and to buy a few comics. Well, it’s now or never. I say to Zack that articles everywhere are rehashing the same old buzz and sometimes the same old interviews. Knowing the Dr Horrible team wants to make DrH2 isn’t the same as knowing for sure it’s getting made. Is there anything you can tell the fans?

Drum roll: YES, Dr Horrible is in the process of being made. It is now being organized and written [WRITTEN!!!]. In fact, while I was talking with Zack, Salena spoke with Jed who confirmed that he’s there to meet with Zack and start writing the script this afternoon.