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Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

"Dr. Horrible Sequel" Web Series - Joss Whedon has a story !

Thursday 6 August 2009, by Webmaster

Joss Whedon’s musical miniseries "Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog" broke new ground with filmmaking for online audiences and earned the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" creator and his cast a lot of new fans, but with any success story like "Dr. Horrible," the question now becomes: what’s next?

MTV News recently caught up with Whedon and posed that very same question, and if we’re understanding the fan-favorite creator correctly, it sounds like there could not only be more "Dr. Horrible" on the way, but they already have a story in mind for the sequel.

"We’re in there plugging. The writers are trying to put something together," Whedon told MTV News. "We haven’t even decided on a venue. We have a story and we’re working that. We’re just starting with that."

While he couldn’t share any details about the aforementioned story for the "Dr. Horrible" sequel, how it will relate to the first miniseries or who will be returning (though we’re keeping fingers crossed for Nathan Fillion and Neil Patrick Harris to reprise their roles), Whedon indicated that the lack of information was more due to the early stage of development than anything else.

"Doesn’t matter if it’s big or small, [we’re just] just figuring out the story," he explained. "We’re really excited about what it is. More, I cannot say."

With both Fillion and Harris juggling lead roles in television series ("Castle" and "How I Met Your Mother," respectively), the duo will likely have to make room in busy schedules for a "Dr. Horrible" sequel — but it’s a good bet they’ll find some time. There’s also the lingering question about what form the next installment of "Dr. Horrible" will take, as Whedon has said in the past that he’s not sure whether the multi-episode miniseries format is best for online audiences, or if a one-shot movie is the way to go.

Keep it locked to Splash Page for more "Dr. Horrible" news as it develops.