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Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

"Dr. Horrible" The Book - Scifimafia.com Review

Thursday 17 March 2011, by Webmaster

Book Review: Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog: The Book

I’m usually not one to get excited over companion books and supplemental content. I’m not big on “behind the scenes” stuff like set photos and stories about how hard it was to get particular shots. Not that I can’t find a passing appreciation of these things, but I pretty much find the maximum enjoyment I can in the end result.

So I opened up Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog: The Book, ready to do my journalistic duty, but without the sense of excitement that my wife felt when she heard that it was coming in the mail. She’s the supplemental content connoisseur in our household. The introduction is written by Nathan Fillion (Castle) in the persona of Captain Hammer, and had me in stitches in 2.5 seconds. Right then I knew I was hooked.

People often ask me me to write the introductions to their books. They ask me to speak at their school, be the Godfather to their child, or make a spurty in their lady place.

I usually say no. Books don’t interest me, school is for sissies, and the Godfather was a bad man who did mob crime. The lady thing is okay, as long as it’s between consenting adults and no one gets hurt/slapped with a paternity suite. But to conclude this word section, books are for coffee tables.

But this book is different.

Captain Tightpants is right. This book IS different. And I’m ashamed that I didn’t have more faith in Joss Whedon and his merry band. It has all the stuff that I mentioned before: a whole bunch of set photos, as well as the introduction I mentioned and other memories by Felicia Day (The Guild), Simon Helberg (Big Bang Theory), and a great afterward written by Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother). Oh, and a Horrible Haiku written by Fillion, which is fantastic. The book also features a discussion between the Whedon brothers Joss, Zack, and Jed, and Maurissa Tancharoen all who had a hand in creating the amazing songs of the musical, as well as a transcription of the script, a costume feature, and highlights the various merchandise that was spawned by the musical. Did you know there was a t-shirt out there that was designed like Dr. Horrible’s lab coat? Because, I didn’t!

One of the greatest aspects of the book is the celebration of the the phenomena that Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog became. And Joss and the gang are not shy about pointing out why; it’s because of us. The fans. They went out on a limb to prove that quality content could be made locally and released on a small scale (via the internet) and still experience commercial success.

Of course the best part of this little collector’s item has been saved for last. The final section of the book contains the sheet music for the entire production, which makes me want to invest in a keyboard and start a tribute band. Overall this book is a treasure that belongs on any fan’s shelf. It’s a celebration of the accomplishment that is Dr. Horrible – an accomplishment that we all, as fans, played a humble part in.

I give Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog: The Book 5 stars out of 5.