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Felicia Day

Felicia Day - "The Guild" Web Series is #5 at 2009 Comic Con’s Buzz Wars

Wednesday 29 July 2009, by Webmaster

Comic Con is pretty much Felicia Day’s home town, but this year she ruled more than ever. Her panel for The Guild was one of the big hits of the Con (we heard people talking about it days afterwards) and her booth for the Guild was a major destination. Tubefilter says Day had an "entrance typically reserved for A-list movie stars" at her panel, where she announced Wil Wheaton was joining the cast. And Dark Horse announced a Guild comic. But oh yeah — she also starred in the unaired Dollhouse episode, which completely rocked our world. And Joss announced that her post-apocalyptic survivalist character would be turning up again in Dollhouse season two. All she needed was the announcement of a musical about cyborg Penny, and she’d have ruled the entire con.