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Gay Television & Pink Tube (anthony stewart head mention)

Meg Allen

Tuesday 14 March 2006, by Webmaster

(New York City) Kim Cattrall has signed on for the pilot episode of the new, Elton John-produced comedy series "Him and Us".

The sitcom about a gay British rock star and his longtime manager is loosely based on Elton’s life.

Kim will play the manager. The Elton character will be Buffy star Anthony Stewart Head.

ABC has committed to the pilot, and if it’s a success a whole season could follow.

Eric McCormack has found life after "Will & Grace".

He’s going back to his roots - the stage.

Eric will star in the New York production of "Some Girl(s)". The show has been a London hit.

The play is set to open on June 8 at the off-Broadway Lucille Lortel Theater.

The series finale of "Will & Grace" is due to air on May 18, the day after McCormack starts previews of the new play.

Eric first hit the boards in his native Canada at the Stratford Festival and then on Broadway in 2001 in "The Music Man". The following year he made several cameo appearances in "The Play What I Wrote".

Somewhere in the world reruns of Dallas are capturing an audience. And, now a movie of the late 70s soap opera is in the works.

But a lot of people in Dallas are miffed. Seems the film is to be shot in Toronto.

The Dallas Film Commission has launched the "Shoot JR in Dallas" campaign in hopes of luring the film’s producers back to Texas.

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