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In case you’re wondering, Taking Government over the Summer saves time (buffy mention)

Monday 19 February 2007, by Webmaster

I realized just now after reading my comments from my first blog (woot) that there are a lot of people interested in politics, people with VERY VERY different views. It’s amazing how many people actually do care about what happens to us. I remember, freshman year, the only person I knew who was for ummm Gore? was it? was my boyfriend. I was only on the Bush side because my parents were- and they even said they only were because he supported "the family".

But honestly, I feel as though I must admit, I couldn’t care less about politics. I could care less about who wins and I’m also not worried about the Korea situation. I don’t follow the war...I’m rather confused as to why we’re still there. I’m going to make the worst adult ever. And the thing that should scare you the most about that is that I plan to be writing your most important news stories soon. *evil smile-jk* In fact, right now my mother and I (my brother’s out snowboarding and my dad’s doing the driveway) are watching multiple hours of Buffy and Angel from the bpx set collections we just bought because we hate commercials. I won’t even be old enough to vote next elections.

I do fear for this country, mostly because of the stupidity and bias of the people in it, but if you think about it, there’s not a single thing we can do. With the electorial votes and the majorities of that, really the whole system is a load of crap, in my opinion, but don’t count on me, I haven’t even taken Government yet..

Mom’s calling. I need fries.

Peace and Love,
