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Iyari Limon

Iyari Limon joins Memorabilia Event at Birmingham UK, on March 25th & 26th, 2006

Monday 13 March 2006, by Webmaster

A Potential Slayer hit the UK. Iyari Limon who plays Kennedy will be at Memorabilia

25th & 26th March 2006

NEC Birmingham - England


SATURDAY Early Entry 9.00am / Normal Entry 11.00am. Last Entry 4.30pm.

Adult Early Entry Ticket:- £15.00

Adult Standard Entry:- £11.00 (£10.00 in advance)

Family Early Entry Ticket:- £40.00 (£35.00 in advance)

Family Ticket 2 Adults & 3 Children:- £35.00 (£25.00 in advance)

Child Ticket (4-14):- £5.00

OAP Ticket (60+):- £5.00

SUNDAY Normal Entry 10.00am. Last Entry 4.30pm.

Signature: £15

But there are other Whedonverse-related guests as well:

Tamara Gorski was Rebecca Lovell on "Angel". An actress in episode 1.17 "Enternity", who wanted to become a vampire in order to stay young. She also was a reccuring star on "Hercules" and "Poltergeist - The Legacy". A signature costs £15, she will attend on Saturday & Sunday.

Anthony Stewart Head was announced, but he won’t be able to attend.

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