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James Marsters

James Marsters - "Venetian Heat" Movie - Not Filming After All ?

Thursday 2 October 2003, by Webmaster

I was a very lucky girl last night and I got to attend the WB premiere party for "Angel" here in Los Angeles. Great event and the whole cast was there except for Alexis Denisof who apparently was filming for a very Wesley-centered episode.

Met just about everyone and got photos with them, including James, and I talked to him for a bit. Told me that the movie is definitely NOT happening. They lost their financing so the whole thing is off.

He seemed very philosophical about it and not horribly disappointed. I said "it’ll happen for you" and he replied "it already is". What a nice guy.

I was very calm and cool while we were talking and taking the pictures and I asked him to sign my "Chance" poster which he did gladly (as did Andy Hallett). Then he left our table and I collapsed.