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Joss Whedon

Joss Whedon - "Civil War" Comic Book - New York Comic Con 2007 Panel

Saturday 24 February 2007, by Webmaster

The final issue which came out this week caught many comic book fans by surprise with its ending. Anyhow, Joe Quesada (Marvel’s E.I.C.) explains at a New York Comic Con panel how Joss addressed the ending (which still has to played out in full) :

Teasing about the ending Quesada said that at a Civil War editorial meeting, the assembled creators were deadlocked over the ending. Whedon, who was already supposed to be there was late, but when he arrived, the problem was presented, and as Quesada said, Whedon looked at the creators and said, "Are you kidding? *This* has to happen."

And, as Quesada said, the problem was solved.