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Joss Whedon

Joss Whedon - "Ripper" Mini Series is dead

Wednesday 10 December 2008, by Webmaster

From "The Write Environnement" Video Interview :

"Well, Ripper fell victim to a lot of things, most of them contractual... at this point, all I know is I’m gonna do something with Tony for the BBC - and I don’t know what it is... Actually, I kinda do know what it is, but I haven’t figured it out enough to tell anybody... but I think it probably won’t be Ripper."

2 Forum messages

  • Joss Whedon - "Ripper" Mini Series is dead

    21 December 2008 05:33, by Vivian H.

    I know I shouldn’t be disappointed anymore - this is the hundereth time I got my hopes squashed, again - but I am. I need my Ripper, damn it!

    Make it happen, people!

    • Joss Whedon - "Ripper" Mini Series is dead 6 January 2009 20:22, by Grailwolf
      I have a bit of a problem here. How does "it probably won’t be Ripper" translate to Ripper being dead? Sounds more like "Ripper is not-yet".