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Joss Whedon

Joss Whedon - "Untitled Western" Project - With Nathan Fillion !!!

Travis Fickett

Saturday 28 July 2007, by Webmaster

Exclusive: Whedon and Fillion Together Again?

IGN TV talks to Nathan Fillion about a possible new collaboration with Joss Whedon

July 27, 2007 - It was the very last day of the Television Critics Association and just about everyone was punch drunk - even if they hadn’t attended the entire two and a half weeks of the event. At the ABC party, Nathan Fillion showed up to promote his upcoming stint on Desperate Housewives. While IGN TV did manage an exclusive interview with the increasingly popular actor, one bit of news stood out and needed to be shared.

The question was posed like this:

"Have you said to Joss Whedon ’What are you doing next, what’s going on?’"

The answer went like this:

"Two days after Joss finished writing Wonder Woman, which he’s no longer doing, but he’d just finished writing it, I sent him an email that said ’Okay, you’ve had two days to relax so it’s time to start thinking about your next project. I wrote a couple of scenes of this one particular project and I sent it to him. I said ’Look, you writing it and making it awesome and me starring in it, let’s go!’"

Of course, the question that followed was: "Can you tell us about it?"

Fillion said: "I don’t want to tell you because it’s still in development, I’ve got my fingers in it and I want to be involved."

Of course, this wasn’t good enough and no self respecting fan of anything Whedon or Fillion would walk away without a little bit more. So the next question (or statement rather):

"Just give us a hint."

Fillion: "It’s a western. I’ll tell you that, it’s a western."

No spaceships, no moons, but a straight forward horse and six-shooter western. Written and directed by Joss Whedon and starring Nathan Fillion. It may never happen, it’s very early, but there it is. If that’s not enough for you all to get excited, check your pulse.