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Joss Whedon

Joss Whedon - "Veronica Mars" Tv Series - He promotes the show on Australian Tv

Thursday 8 June 2006, by Webmaster

Australia’s Network Ten is using Joss’ post on this site about VM to advertise the show’s upcoming series return. Press more for information.

The ad basically goes - "See why the creator of Buffy says Veronica Mars is the best show ever" - there’s a big title screen that says "Buffy’s Joss Whedon" and then it cuts to another one that has the quote - "Best. Show. Ever. Seriously. - Joss Whedon". All interspersed with clips from the show. It’s kinda cool! Nice of Channel 10 to do that, especially considering they didn’t air Buffy.

Click on the link :


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