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Sarah Michelle Gellar

Sarah Michelle Gellar - "All My Children" Tv Series - She is rumored to return

Wednesday 20 July 2011, by Webmaster

Can Prospect Park, the company taking ABC’s All My Children and One Life to Live to the internet, possibly be ready to make the move with AMC as soon as September? Hard to believe, but that’s what TV Guide Magazine is hearing.

Word is, the production company intends to waste no time — or lose any momentum — and will launch the reimagined AMC on Monday, September 26, just three days after the soap ends its network run. There’s also highly reliable buzz — unconfirmed by Prospect Park — that Susan Lucci has agreed to move on with the show, though to what extent she’ll participate or for how long isn’t clear. Most (if not all) of the soap’s other top stars have yet to enter negotiations.

We also hear Prospect Park plans to retain current head writer Lorraine Broderick and executive producer Julie Carruthers. But are there major rewrites in the works for the ABC finale? Broderick, working in tandem with AMC’s legendary creator Agnes Nixon, had planned to tie up most of the major storylines with nice tidy bows. Now such a finale is problematic, since creating a few cliffhangers would encourage viewers to check out the internet version.

One more thing: There are also some hard-to-believe whispers going around that Sarah Michelle Gellar has agreed to return to AMC for a farewell appearance before the show leaves ABC — a nifty trick since the character she once played, Erica’s daughter Kendall, now belongs (lock, stock and Emmy noms) to Alicia Minshew. But, hey, if this is true we trust the brilliant Broderick and Nixon to somehow make it work— they’re bringing back Josh Duhamel as the dead Leo du Pres in a way that’s ingenious!