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Sarah Michelle Gellar

Sarah Michelle Gellar - "Southland Tales" Movie - Poorly received by Cannes critics

Darren Waters

Sunday 21 May 2006, by Webmaster


A few barbed comments and questions were thrown at the Southland Tales press conference.

The film, directed by Richard Kelly and starring Sarah Michelle Gellar and The Rock, was poorly received by the critics and journalists I spoke to earlier today.

Sarah Michelle Gellar fielded press questions in good spirits At the conference, the film’s producer was explaining how the US Immigration office had almost caused Kelly to miss the festival because they lost his documents during his application for a new passport.

"Do you think it’s because they saw the script?" shouted out one American journalist at the back of the room.

A Colombian journalist asked Gellar if, after portraying a porn star in the film, she had any ambitions to appear in a pornographic movie.

Gellar flashed a dazzling smile and said her acting career gave her plenty of opportunities to live out any fantasy.

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