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Sarah Michelle Gellar

Sarah Michelle Gellar adores knitting

Saturday 3 February 2007, by Webmaster

Edith Eig wrote a book "Mother of Purl". She owns a shop called ’La Knitterie Parisienne’ in Los Angeles (famous for where the stars go to knit). On page 45 she says the following about Sarah Michelle Gellar :

"The first time Sarah Michelle came to the shop, she walked in and walked out. She had to move her car. With that done, Sarah Michelle sat at the table, and I taught her how to knit. A very fast learner, Sarah Michelle quickly grasped both the knit and the purl stich. After she chose a pretty blue chunky yarn, I wrote a simple pattern for her to follow in which she could combine the two stiches - and she was off knitting her first scarf. She loved it so much that the next day she came back with her mom, and this mother-daughter team returned almost every Saturday. During the holidays when Sarah Michelle was filming Scooby-Doo, her mom came in with a tin of cookies, a gift from her and her daughter. One evening as I was about to close the store, I recieved a panicked called from Sarah Michelle’s agent pleading with me not to close. The agent was en-route to the store to buy a gift certificate for Sarah Michelle’s birthday."