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Buffy : Season 8

Scott Allie - "Buffy : Season 8" Comic Book - Issue 33 - Slayalive.com Q&A

Monday 8 March 2010, by Webmaster

1. hitnrun017: Now that we know what Twilight wanted all this time, what about everything else we’ve learned about him this season? Banishing magic, the symbol, outfit/mask, etc... will these still play a part in the season or were they just red herrings? Fooling the bad guys to get what he ultimately wanted?

Scott Allie: The things you specifically mention are definitely still the point of what we’re doing, or at least instruments to getting there. I think you have to wait till next issue to see what Twilight was really after though, this issue didn’t really spell that out. In fact, it’s not till #35, I think, that we really pull it together for you.

2. Charles: In prior Q/A’s, you’ve said that Buffy’s dreams mean something still. Regarding her very first one, she had romantic feelings towards that ended with his head being knocked off. Since then she confessed, got turned down and now we’ve got Angel telling her that they will never be happy with anyone else followed by a kiss. So is it safe to say Angel’s words at least to how it relates to her Xander-shaped friend, are accurate and that Meltzer or Whedon will not be addressing them again in the future be it S8 or beyond?

Scott Allie: I don’t think Angel’s words mean that necessarily. But I’ve found the arc of her relationship with Xander really interesting so far.

3. bamph: After reading the issue and seeing your interview with Buffyfest, I am worried about something. There have been a lot of nice statements over the years and especially recently about Buffy and Angel’s feelings for the other. You made some nice comments in that new interview. But after reading #33, how should B/A shippers take this issue? Worry that this is ultimately about subverting Buffy’s and Angel’s romantic relationship with each other and tearing it down or is that not even close to what is going on and not the right question and concern?

Scott Allie: I don’t think that’s accurate. The next issue will give you more on that topic. I’m not sure how to address how B/A shippers should take this issue, because we’ve just opened a can of worms—stick around to find out what comes out of it. I think by #35 those shippers will have more concrete stuff to talk about.

4. Hellbound Hyperion: Uh, okay, so I’ve got #33 in my hands. Angel’s speech is bleeding Shanshu all over his fluffy Big Bad suit, and I’m deeply concerned that a similar "prophecy" might be in play for Buffy as well. So I gotta ask: can we consider the upcoming explanations an alteration or an expansion of the Slayer mythos?

Scott Allie: It strikes me as an expansion. It doesn’t contradict anything that’s already out there, except in that it’s been hidden—and that concealment is addressed in the next issue too. We’re learning something new about the histories.

5. Emmie: Would it be right to say Buffy isn’t in her right mind at the end of this issue? Perhaps because of an unnatural glow?

Scott Allie: She’s definitely affected by what’s happening. That girl ain’t never been right, but this Twilight business is certainly complex. More next issue.

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