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Search is on for Jessica Alba (david boreanaz mention)

Wednesday 6 September 2006, by Webmaster

MegaStar says: ’Well Alba damned - men look for Jessica on the internet.’

The darling interweb’s zillion-strong army of fever-brained celeb-searchers are on the look-out for one particular celebrity above all others : Tony Blair.

Nah, fooled you. Jessica Alba, that’s who. That’s the lady.

Word is that "actress-eye candy Jessica Alba has been named as the most searched celebrity on the internet" - says a poll on the Celebopedia web digest, which makes it its business to bother with stuff like that.

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What’s the betting most of the, ahem, searchers for gorgepot Jess are blokes? Or maybe women seeking out fashion ideas from wardrobe of the stylish Hollywood babe. Yeah, right.

Tragically, though for the Sin City and Fantastic Four lovely, she wasn’t voted the most beautiful celebrity in this latest voting saga.

That accolade went to Natalie Portman among the ladies, and Angel actor David Boreanaz among the fellas.

Don’t worry: these celeb polls are like Tube trains - there’ll be another one along in a minute.