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Seth Green

Seth Green - "Entourage" Tv Series - He will guest in 2 episodes

Sunday 11 June 2006, by Webmaster

From nobody: Entourage! Lets hug out some scoop, be-yotch.

Of course. At the premiere, I ran into Seth Green! He’s playing himself, he tells me, and "a real a—hole." "I have a reputation for being a nice guy, so I thought it would be funny just to be kind of jerk," he said. Also, Doug Ellin told me that he hopes to have Mandy Moore. "Not anytime soon," he says. "You know, Vince needed a little break from Mandy, but we loved her, so maybe she’ll come back. We’re trying to keep him single for a while this year—let him have some fun. He doesn’t want to get wrapped up in a relationship again."

From emmilw: Yay! Buffy alum! More on Seth Green! Is he on for long ?

Two episodes. He said, "I did a movie with Mark Wahlberg, and right when they were starting the show up, he asked me to do a cameo on it, and the timing just didn’t work out. Then it just worked out that they had something coming up. Kevin Connelly and I have known each other since we were kids, so they let us be rivals on the show, which is hilarious." He says they fight over "women and pride and you know, territory, I guess."