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Smallville 4x04 Devoted - Kryptonsite.com Spoilers

Friday 30 July 2004, by xanderbnd

We’re not sure if these are spoilers for a new episode, or if this is "Facade" renamed. (If anyone can tell us, please e-mail!)
- The teaser begins with some football action involving Clark at practice. We see Head Coach Quigley for the first time during this scene.
- A player named Dan is late for practice, after being with his girlfriend Mandy.
- Assisant (?) Coach Jason puts Dan on the bench util he gets his priorities straight.
- Lois and Lana go jogging together, after Lana asks her too. Lois makes fun of the cheerleaders, calling them "Barbie dolls." She then says cheerleaders are "the whole cruel popularity contest masquerading as school spirit... the sad, pathetic need to be on the arm of a quarterback..." Lana comments "Okay, wow, good thing I was never a cheerleader." Lois realizes her faux pas. "You were, weren’t you? Oh, Lana. We were just starting to be friends."
- Dan accuses Jason of looking at his girlfriend, and then punches him. Clark is told that he is starting Friday as Dan is now out.
- Dan comes into the school with a shotgun, going after Jason. Clark stops him by blurring the room in superspeed. He then uses heat vision to explode the gun.
- Clark tells Chloe that he has to quit the Torch, to focus on football. The bright side to this scene? Clark tells *Chloe!* This means Chloe is alive and well!
- The football team gets new uniforms, which seem to be emblazoned with a LuthorCorp logo. Jason introduces the team to the man responsible for giving them the uniforms - Lex Luthor.
- Lex gives a speech. "In my life, I’ve learned that you can never give up on something that means a lot to you. Your team, your friendships - things that you’ve invested time and energy in. You have to finish what you started. Sometimes that means getting a fresh start." A message to Clark? Hopefully...
- Lois makes a comment, "I need a quote for the Torch." Isn’t she in college? Of course, one of her interviewees makes a reference to her "repeating the twelfth grade," so, maybe this is a new development we just did not know before.
- Lois tells the girl that she’s "one tragic backbend away from a Darwin Award," and calls the girl "Sunshine." She also makes a comment to needing a smoke.
- Chloe wants to speak to Clark in the Torch. Possibly in a scene preceding the one where he quits.