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Stephanie Romanov

Stephanie Romanov - About his Career - Globalpop.com Interview

Sunday 26 March 2006, by Webmaster

Stephanie Romanov

Lilah Morgan (1999-2004)

I’m happy to say that Stephanie Romanov is very sweet and friendly in person. She is a total contrast to the driven and manipulative evil corporate lawyer, Lilah Morgan from the TV series ANGEL.

interview highlights

Romanov is a famous Russian name. Stephanie is of Russian descent.

GlobalPop:What is a question that you wish journalists would ask but never do? She thought for a moment and was unsure. So, I jokingly asked. What’s your favorite color?

Stephanie Romanov:"Green. Lilah green."

I think that she was kind of in an alliteration and poetic mood so next came the phrase, "limousine diamonds and the color green."

GlobalPop: Do you remember much of the dialogue from ANGEL? Do you have any favorite one-liners?

Stephanie Romanov:"Some scripts stick."

GlobalPop: Was it difficult having to have recite so much dialogue in legalese "lawyer speak"?

Stephanie Romanov:"No."

GlobalPop: How many CONS have you attended?

Stephanie Romanov:"A bunch." Her sister was there and filled me in that STEPHANIE has attended 9 cons, including 4 in the UK.

GlobalPop: What were your childhood influences that inspired your interest in acting?

Stephanie Romanov:"I’m a movie buff. Musicals for sure. I was really interested in ballet." Acting was a fallback to pursue if her dreams of being a ballerina never happened.

GlobalPop: Do you maintain a personal library?

Stephanie Romanov:"My movie library is mostly DVD. I TIVO alot of stuff, too."

GlobalPop: Can you name 3 movies from your library?

Stephanie Romanov:"SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION" She loves the movie overall and the performance by Morgan Freeman



both STEPHANIE and her husband both love DRUGSTORE COWBOY

GlobalPop: Do you get into the special features of any DVDs? Is commentary interesting to you?

Stephanie Romanov:"Not really, commentary is not a concern."

GlobalPop: Do you own vinyl records?

Stephanie Romanov:"Not now. I had a huge Vinyl collection at one time, but gave it away." I love music of all kinds."

GlobalPop: Can you name some of your favorites?

Stephanie Romanov: Not really a favorite, but she eventually mentioned that she likes to sing. STEPHANIE recorded an album at age 19 called SHAKE JACK & STELLA "I was Stella."

GlobalPop: Can you name 3 books from your library?

Stephanie Romanov: PRIDE & PREJUDICE ,THE KNOWN WORLD. I just read it recently.I love all kinds of biographies. LIFE OF PI."

I jokingly asked her how many decimal points can she recall for PI.

Stephanie Romanov: "PI = 3.14" She said that two decimals was enough to have to deal with.