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The Covenant - Thisishertfordshire.co.uk Review (buffy mentions)

Damon Smith

Saturday 9 December 2006, by Webmaster

PITCHED at teenage fans of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Charmed and their supernatural brethren, The Covenant is a slice of horror hokum that is a couple of decent gags away from a terrific comedy.

Unfortunately, Renny Harlin’s film, clumsily scripted by JS Cardone, takes itself very seriously, lumbering the good-looking cast with such gems as, "Someone’s using powers, and I mean big time. And I intend to find out who!" and "Harry Potter can kiss my ass!"

Most of the leads have been cast for their looks rather than their acting prowess, and the film makes ample use of their rugged physiques, encouraging lads and lasses to strip off at every available opportunity.

Thus, the girls’ showers have frosted glass doors to silhouette their nubile figures in the hot water, and the boys strut around the academy swimming pool in tiny, figure-hugging trunks.

At times, it’s almost like an advertisement for a new unisex eau de parfum.

The fates of the characters are quite literally survival of the fittest - actors with the best abs and pecs live the longest, giving them more chances to disrobe.

If Buffy was still around, she’d plunge a stake through the film’s heart and put it out of its misery

1 Message

  • The Covenant - Thisishertfordshire.co.uk Review (buffy mentions)

    10 December 2006 08:46, by Johnny Rouge
    Yeah, it was terrible. My friend talked me into seeing it, and now I no longer speak to him. I do however, go around telling everyone "I will you my power! I will you my power!". I’m the only one who thinks it’s funny, but that’s good enough for me.