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From Mediaweek.com

Tru Calling 1x03 Brother’s Keeper - Ratings

Saturday 15 November 2003

Yesterday’s Winners

Friends (NBC), Survivor: Pearl Islands (CBS), CSI (CBS), Will & Grace (NBC), ER (NBC), Without A Trace (CBS)

Could Be Better/Could Be Worse

Steve Harvey’s Big Time (WB), Jamie Kennedy Experiment (WB)

Yesterday’s Losers:

Tru Calling (Fox), What I Like About You (WB), Run of the House (WB)

FOX gets the fifth place of the ratings on the Thursday primetime.

1. CBS 2. NBC 3. ABC 4. UPN 5. FOX 6. WB

Tru Calling got unfortunately bad ratings (3.3/ 5) and continues the trend of the last episodes. So it’s hard looking forward. But the ratings actually can"t be worse, so we just can hope they become better.