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From Telequebec.qc.ca

Tv quebec confirms the broadcasting of Wonderfalls

Tuesday 13 April 2004, by Webmaster

Tv quebec confirms the broadcasting of Wonderfalls Season 2004-2005

What the viewers reassure themselves, they will be able to see the next year, to Tv Quebec, the 13 episodes of the series Wonderfalls, putting in star the comédienne Caroline Dhavernas.

Broadcasted on the American chain Fox, the series was withdrawn schedule after only four episodes. Motive: quotations of listens insufficient, despite an average of three millions of viewers.

Nevertheless, the critics continue to be enthusiasts. One praises humor and the originality of the series as well as the talent and the presence to the screen of Caroline Dhavernas, personage star of the series.

Except major unforeseen, Tv Quebec will broadcast, as early as the next fall, the French version of Wonderfalls.

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