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Joss Whedon

Whedonverse actresses on AfterEllen’s Hotlist

Saturday 9 June 2007, by Webmaster

Forget FHM or Maxim hotlists, this is the real deal. AfterEllen asked its mostly lesbian readers to provide their Top 100 list of showbiz hotties.

"How is our list different from Maxim’s? Eight of the top 10 women on our list aren’t mentioned anywhere on the Maxim list (Angelina Jolie and Lena Headey are the exceptions), and only four of the women who made Maxim’s top 10 (Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Biel and Lindsay Lohan) appear somewhere on the AfterEllen.com list.

Clearly, what straight men and lesbians find sexy in a woman is a little bit different.

"Hot" for lesbians and bisexual women comes in all ages, sizes, colors and styles, as the diversity of women on our list demonstrates. [...]

The list also shows that we like women who like us - slightly over half the women on the AfterEllen.com Hot 100 List have played queer characters at one time or another. Eight of the women (nine, if you count Drew Barrymore) are openly lesbian or bisexual.

But there is one thing all the women on the list have in common: They’re more than just pretty faces. Many of these women aren’t just women we like, they’re women we want to be like - women we admire as well as desire.

On our list, heat has depth. And Leisha (No. 1) beats Lindsay (No. 79) by a mile.

The following Buffy ladies appear on the list:

11. Eliza Dushku

Her butchy turn as a former gymnast-turned-cheerleader in Bring It On (2000) gave chain wallets a good name, but Eliza’s role as Faith on Buffy the Vampire Slayer - with all of her swagger and deadly, seductive skill - firmly cemented her role as a lesbian icon.

70. Sarah Michelle Gellar

74. Alyson Hannigan

90. Amber Benson