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Nathan Fillion

Why Are Rainn Wilson And Nathan Fillion Meeting With DC Comics ?

Friday 10 July 2009, by Webmaster

What do Rainn Wilson (”The Office”) and frequent Joss Whedon collaborator Nathan Fillion (”Serenity”) have to do with DC Comics? That’s a very good question — and it’s one I’m dying to know the answer to, now that Wilson reported that the pair were en route to a meeting with the comics publisher.

The actual text of the message, posted on Twitter somewhere around 3:00 PM EST today, was as follows: “@rainnwilson and @nathanfillion are about to go meet with DC COMICS! Could be some good sh– percolating…”

But what could that “good sh–” entail? (Warning: I feel some wild guesses on the horizon…)

Well, we already know Fillion is a big fan of the campaign to cast him as Hal Jordan in the upcoming “Green Lantern” movie. And given that it’s hard to argue with how well he fit into that “Green Lantern” fan film that made the rounds, there’s always hope that he could be joining Wilson for a discussion related to the DC’s Emerald Knight in some form.

There’s also the possibility that Wilson and Fillion could be meeting to discuss voicing characters in one of DC’s upcoming animated films. With today’s big rumor regarding an animated “Jonah Hex” short possibly kicking off a new line of similar animated short films based on DC Universe characters, there would seem to a lot of opportunities for Wilson and Fillion to be the voice of well-known DC characters. Fillion previously voiced the character of Steve Trevor in DC’s animated “Wonder Woman” movie, so there’s certainly a precedent.

But what about Wilson? Where’s his comic book connection?

Wilson has stated in the past that he’s every type of geek except a comic book fan — so one has to wonder if this meeting could be the first step toward putting him on the creative side of the comics world with a print project. If he ended up teaming up on a story with Fillion, you’d be hard-pressed to find a pairing more friendly to the comics crossover crowd these days, so it doesn’t that outrageous of an idea. Heck, I’d buy a Rainn Wilson/Nathan Fillion comic… wouldn’t you?

So, what do you think they’re meeting with DC about?

Share your predictions and wishful thinking in the comment section! I want to know what you think the geek-friendly pair were meeting with DC to discuss.