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Joss Whedon

Joss Whedon on a "Spike" Tv Movie - Comingsoon.net News

Wednesday 14 September 2005, by Webmaster

Joss Whedon on a Spike Telemovie & More

Moviehole caught up with writer/director Joss Whedon Down Under as he was promoting Serenity, opening in theaters on September 30th.

There have been rumors that Whedon is looking to bring the character of Spike (played by James Marsters on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel) back for a telemovie, and he confirmed that to the site.

"I’m talking in reference to that... and possibly more," he said hinting at additional characters from the series coming back as well. "I can only teasingly hint, unfortunately, until it’s got backing and we’ve got a schedule and a contract."

Whedon added that he’s "been talking to some of the actors, writers, and some executives and are trying to put something together - - but it’s not happening fast. [But no] I haven’t left the Buffyverse behind."

5 Forum messages

  • > Joss Whedon on a "Spike" Tv Movie - Comingsoon.net News

    15 September 2005 00:31, by Simone

    If he does this, and I so hope he does................................PLEASE JOSS, GIVE SPIKE A HAPPY ENDING!!!! No more gut wrenching tear jerkers, I’m so sick of those. The world has enough tragedy, give us something that we can walk away from smiling.

    I’m done venting.

  • > Joss Whedon on a "Spike" Tv Movie - Comingsoon.net News

    16 September 2005 21:45, by Cyber_Ninja

    Dear Joss’ll Fixit..

    7 years worth of eps, and all through it i was waiting for Spike to die a horrible death. i wanted it sooo bad. hes the most sucky rubbish charicter in the whole of the Buffyverse.

    you know, i acctually just finnished watching buffy, all seasons, last night. i had never seen it before, and so i decided to watch them all. Spike..aaarrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! i lived in HOPE that i would watch him die a slow and painfull death...episode after episode, and i wanted that so bad. then you, yes, YOU mr whedon, make me think my life is complete when i watch Spike die and burst into flame. i acctually went into the garden at night in my underwear and did a lap of honour.

    then i start to watch the 5th season of Angel, and WHOOOO do i see? none other than that waste of space you call a charicter. what the hell were you thinking man? you raised the hopes of thousands, and then suddenly, that hope was torn from our hands, like a golden chalace ripped from an Olde King. Please, do the right thing:

    if you make the spike movie, please dont give him longer than 5 mins before he dies. OR, let him have the whole movie, and make it so he is being tortured all the way through (and then killed a 100000 times) and his eyes replaced with snooker balls.PLEASE kill spike..

    I Implore you...do the right thing, you know you want to...the time has come.

    Can you Fix it for me? From Ninja Age 7½

  • YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I hope there will be a Spike movie!!!!!!!!! Spike is hotttttttt!!!!! Not only that but I love his character anyway............YEAH!!!! WE NEED THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • > Joss Whedon on a "Spike" Tv Movie - Comingsoon.net News

    18 September 2005 22:42, by bigbad
    Spike, a piece of sh*t...What shows are you watching?...Spike is it! That’s why they put him on show after show—stupid. What are you like 8 years old is that why you don’t get it. Spike will be around forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Oh Yeah! Duh, you hate him so much DON’T WATCH—idiot.
  • > Joss Whedon on a "Spike" Tv Movie - Comingsoon.net News

    19 September 2005 21:27, by fanatic

    I’m not a Spuffy fan, but Spike is an excellent character, and I find myself unable to respect someone who thinks he was a bad character. However, I take offense to the comment that both of the shows needed help when he came on. Angel did, but Buffy was doing fine.

    But does anyone know if this movie would be a post-Ats show, or would it be pre-Btvs? I heard a rumor that it was going to be about his evil days. And one more thing: they’d better hurry because James Marsters is in his 40s.