Saturday 23 July 2005, by Anonymous :

Katie Holmes as Buffy would have sucked.

Saturday 23 July 2005, by Anonymous :

Katie Holmes is one of the least talented ’actress’ of all time!

Sunday 24 July 2005, by Anonymous :

i can’t really imagine katie holmes kicking ass and being a heroine either!

Sunday 24 July 2005, by Anonymous :

Katie Holmes lost to SMG eh?

Well, thank God for small miracles. She just seems way too wimpy to play someone like Buffy. Just imagine some of the situations SMG has acted her way out of (and quite well, I might add).... KH though? never.

Tuesday 26 July 2005, by Anonymous :

Actually the Matrix didnot need exceptional actors with the ability to be funny, dramatic, sympathic to work but BTVS did. Not just SMG but AH, JM, ED etc. Joss is a genius but whoever casted the early characters should have gotten a huge bonus. The pciked actors who could inhabit those roles.

These comments are an anwser to this article : These 10 STARS failed to get big roles, but won later (buffy mention)

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