Friday 28 October 2005, by Anonymous :

My god, he’s beautiful. Never would’ve thought he could get even better-looking with the new hair (or should I say ’old’, being as it is his own hair?), but it’s true and he looks absolutely gorgeous.

Only wish I could see the episodes... *sobs*

Friday 28 October 2005, by Anonymous :

I think i liked his hair better in buffy, but hey i anit picky. He is still HOT.

Friday 28 October 2005, by LadyVader :

To be or to not be totally hot? That is the question.

It’s that damn lower lip! Gets me every time.

Friday 28 October 2005, by Anonymous :

It’s so odd to hear him talk without the British accent and not looking like Spike!! But hey, I’ll take James anyway i can get him!

Friday 28 October 2005, by luv :

HAHA LOOK AT THE HAIR... maybe he finally gets it that no fuckin one will hire him for a movie with anythin else than blonde or at least spikish :)

Saturday 29 October 2005, by Anonymous :

Hey, Luv! He shaved off his hair the very first opertunity he got after Angel was through filming. It wasn’t his choice to have it that way.

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