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  • Tom Lenk - "Rock of Ages" Play - Details

    31 January 2006, by Webmaster
    (Vanguard Hollywood; 499 seats; $45 top) A Prospect Pictures presentation of a musical in one act with music by various composers and book by Chris D’Arienzo. Directed by Kristin Hanggi. Musical direction, David Gibbs, Kyle Puccia; choreography, R.J. Durrell. Sherrie Christian - Laura Bell Bundy
    Lonny Barnett - Dan Finnerty
    Drew Dillenbeck - James Snyder
    Dennis Dupree - Kyle Gass
    Stacee Jaxx - Chris Hardwick
    Justice Charlier - Michele Mais
    Hertz Klinemann - David Holladay
    Franz (...)

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