Friday 30 June 2006, by Kritus :

All I can say is God, I hope this is not true. This woman would make a terrible Wonder Woman. If he chooses her for the role, I’ll likely skip the movie entirely.

Friday 30 June 2006, by Anonymous :

she is perfect for the role!!!!!!

Friday 30 June 2006, by Anonymous :

Funny, only a few days ago Joss said in an interview — yet again — that the script is still being polished and they won’t even begin casting until that’s done, and that when they do, it will be an open casting call. So how is it that this lady is "in negotiations"? I don’t disagree, she’s beautiful and probably worthy of a tryout, but anytime I see stuff like this that runs in stark contrast to everything Joss has said, I can’t help but to believe this is nothing more than her press people trying to get her some attention, but it’s all just a big lie. I will say this — Joss needs to get that script finished and get this role cast, because I for one am getting really, really annoyed by all the red herrings.

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