Sunday 30 December 2007, by JB :

Hooray! It’s about time. Who’s going to be the taker to run it? SciFi, FX, TNT or the BBCAmerica and UK?

Saturday 19 January 2008, by Stars1100 :

I was wondering if there would be any cast from Buffy being a guest appearence on the Ripper show, of course I don’t expect Buffy herself she seems pretty adimite about not having anything to do with buffy anymore she’s a Movie star now tv is to small for her. It would be great to get Nick Brendon since he really is’nt working in the biz much. Spike to or the willow character and perhaps faith. Drusilla would be good as well since her character never died. If Joss want’s some ideas for a buffy/Angel Movie reunion for the screen I have some I’m already creating my own comic book as a graphic artist and it will center on were Angel left off. By the way if Joss reads this you should have done better with the finale of Angel were you left off sucked and so far we may never get a reunion movie as promised and so Angel is in limbo...accept for my story.

Cheers Stars1100

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