Wednesday 21 April 2004, by Anonymous :

Since Boreanaz isn’t mentioned in the article body, you can see him in the chart here:

I don’t know why they call him "untalented," especially with other MSN reviewers being plenty aware of his skills. These authors.. these hacks.. should really fall into line. :P

Thursday 22 April 2004, by jobuffy :

i wouldn’t say courtney cox is doing badly at all. I can see where this article was trying to go but its really not acurate or relevant!

Thursday 22 April 2004, by tp83 :

what...the whole cast will be, just look at the buffys. SMG has scooby wow. but the rest are in tvmovies.edgy. itll be conventions from now until their mortgages are paid off.

Thursday 22 April 2004, by Lia :

I dunno. I’ve been wondering about this myself actually. Still, IMO, DB could have a fantastic movie career if given the chance. He’s a great actor and he has that sort of classically handsome leading man quality that so many of today’s guy movie stars are sorely lacking.

As for the rest of the casts of BtVS and AtS, I don’t know if they would so much be Zierings as they would be leaving the public eye on their own terms. Many of them came from theatre backgrounds and have expressed wishes to return to that after the show is over.

The casts of both shows are far more talented and mature than all of the people mentioned in the article above. Whether they end up insanely famous and rich or become completely anonymous to all non-Joss fans, they’ll still be remembered fondly for their work, which is more than alot of actors can say.

Thursday 22 April 2004, by Anonymous :

It’s already happened to Nicholas Brendon, and I’d guess that it’s likely to happen to MOST of the cast of Angel. Denisof hopefully will have a shot at something in the future. James Marsters might have a shot, at least on stage. Other than that? J. August Richards is probably screwed. I’d guess that Andy Hallet won’t be doing anything in acting after Angel. Boreanaz’s best hope is probably on television — maybe he can follow David Hasselhoff’s career.

Friday 30 April 2004, by Lia :

Yes it does appear that poor Nick Brendon is heading down the Ziering path. TV movies. Alcoholism. None of its looking too good for him which is sad b/c, obviously, he’s quite talented.

I’m going to have to disagree with the post before mine. James Marsters was a big theatre guy for years before the show and with all the experience and publicity from them, he will have no trouble finding work in theatre. Granted TV work may be scarce for JM, mostly due to his age, but theatre is obviously where his heart is anyway. Andy Hallet could easily move on to theatre work and, hey, possibly score a Vegas show. He has incredible amounts of talent, and, cmon, anythings better than Celine Dion. I really disagree with on your opinion on J. August Richards though. He has played a pretty normal enough, non-specific character so that if he were to play another part people would not instantly identify him as Gunn. It’s much harder for character actors to break out of typecasting and associations with their previous role than for the guy who plays the fairly normal street smart lawyer.

Wednesday 21 July 2004, by Wolverine68 :

I hope so! How could I care about a guy who refuses to do an Agnel movie, cause it’s on TV?

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