Thursday 29 April 2004, by viper667 :

Nick didn’t say "brothers", he said "oh, bother" (a la Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh).

Friday 30 April 2004, by Wolverine68 :

Buffy Movie? zzzzz lame!

Buffy has gone as far as it can. Mark my words, it won’t be anything that original. So let’s get with the program, and work on the Angel story line! Where there’s stll alot to tell

Friday 30 April 2004, by Slayer :

Angel can never come up with anything original - it’s a joke!

The best episodes of Angel were "Smile Time" this season and "Dear Boy" in season 2...the rest have just been laughable. The only reason I watch them, is coz if I didn’t someone would be sure to say "you’ve got no right to slag it off if you don’t watch it".

Angel does my head in. The Wolfram and Hart thing is so lame - evil lawyers, haha isn’t that ironic. It’s so not funny.

Funny thing - the best character in Angel at present is Spike...and where did he come from? Oh yeh, that’s right - Buffy...

A (new) Buffy movie would work far better than an Angel one. Angel is a tired old horse that should have been cancelled after the first eleven episodes. A good idea that went horribly wrong.

Saturday 1 May 2004, by Amanda :

To: Wolverine68; To quote Joss, there will always be more stories to tell about Buffy. And I personally can’t wait for one, I know it will be great!

Sunday 2 May 2004, by Eri :

I’m sorry to say but maybe the angel and buffy storlines are totally over. theres really nothin more they can say without contradicting past storylines. and thats just wrong when they do that. Where can they really go on Buffy now since now theres thousands of slayers and I havent seen the last episode of angel so i cant say where they can go from there. But there both just shows. and the fact of the matter is Shows get cancelled.

Sunday 2 May 2004, by Lia :

What is wrong with you guys? Either a Buffy or Angel movie would be so awesome! Angel is just as good as Buffy and at certain points (a la season 7) it was actually better. Both shows have equal merit for a movie, if not Angel slightly more due to the all too abrupt cancellation (agh! all those unanswered storylines!). But it doesn’t really matter to me. Hell I’ll watch anything with the name Joss Whedon on it.

Sunday 2 May 2004, by Eli Oberlander :

I’m somewhat confused. In the article it says that Mercedes has heard about Angel movies. In another article on this site McNabb says she had not heard about movies. What is going on. did she fall victim to the supposed Hoax?

Monday 3 May 2004, by Anonymous :

sounds like brendon might have been saying "oh brother" like crap I shouldn’t have said anything? a Buffy movie would be cool, and with Joss’s big head of ideas I’m sure it’ll be something worth seeing, as for "Ripper" I’m not sure if I’m too in love with that idea simply because Giles is getting so old but I’d watch it.

Saturday 29 May 2004, by Dark Eyes :

So Angel hasn’t exactly been a flawless series, I used to think it wasn’t as good as Buffy, but really it’s just different, that’s all. Anyway, a Buffy cartoon would be good, but I’d probably rather see some telemovies or something. So there are millions of Slayers, your point is? Geez you people are closed minded and cynical. Don’t ever say anything like "no where the story can go" that’s absolute bollocks! If you have a strong imagination like the Mutant Enemy people do, there’s no limit to the possibilities! Get a grip!

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