Saturday 1 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Thank God! I was scared that Joss would kill every human character in the finale, though Gunn’s death seems to make more sense than Wesley’s.

Sunday 2 May 2004, by Anonymous :

yeah - doesn’t the wolfram & hart contract go beyond death ne way?

Sunday 2 May 2004, by MissEdith :

I just can’t accept Wesley’s death... He has gone through so much and has growen so much as a person! plus, I just love him! NOOOOOO ):

Monday 3 May 2004, by Naomi :

I once read a quote of Joss saying that in the Buffyverse, deaths are just plot twists. They seem to be digging Illyria in though, which disgusts me- the fans love the characters, but they keep killing them off anyway.

Monday 3 May 2004, by Anonymous :

you watch Wes grow from season three of Buffy onto Angel and then up till now and it’s like there’s no way he’d kill him off, he’s on of the biggest main charecters. But really I can’t wait to see him die- not in like I hate him way- more like I can’t wait to see how they end such a long standing charecter.

And I agree, this is the buffyverse, nobody ever accualy stays dead, even Joyce came back as the first. Wes’ll be back, the question is as what?

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