Sunday 2 May 2004, by Confused Joe :

Why? It’s not like she’s Pamela Anderson or Any of the other females that constantly are in PlayBoy or some other media equal to it.

Sunday 2 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Have they seen wonder womans costume? It seems hypocrittical to me.

Monday 3 May 2004, by Wolverine68 :

There’s sexism in the market place? I think not.

Yes, there was at one time. But that era is done with. The late 90’s bridged a new era, and that was the age of the female super hero.

Shows like Xena and Buffy became massively popular hits. And while the genre is fading soemwhat, we still have some shows with the theme of female hero.

Tuesday 4 May 2004, by sherri :

I totally agree with that. How is she a postive role model? sorry she lost my respect when i heard about it. a female that poses nude shouldn’t be a postive role model :)

Tuesday 4 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Replying to the post that a woman that poses nude shouldn’t be a positive role model. By that statement you have just ruled out Germaine Greer, Nicole Kidman, the ladies who posed nude to raise money for cancer in the UK, numerous athletes, Madonna, and many more too numerous to mention. Yeah I can see how absolutely none of these successful, independent career women are role models. Sheesh!

Tuesday 4 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Please! All of this "positive role model" crap is just an excuse for parents not to actually raise their kids. Parents should never depend on a famous person to inpart values that they want their kids to have- this is their job. That being said, how is Charisma any less ’positive’ than she was before? She made a decision, with the input of her family, to appear nude in a magzine. The pictures were not crass and let’s face it Playboy is not Penthouse magazine. This Greg Rucka person is not producing this film, in all likelyhood he will have no say who is cast. Right now there isn’t even a ’movie’ to talk about.

Wednesday 5 May 2004, by Rachelle :

I’m sure people thought that Charlize Theron & Drew Barrymore ruined their careers posing for Playboy. Let’s see.. Charlize just won an Oscar & Drew now has a star on the Hollywood walk of fame!!! They are sooo going down hill.

And Wonder Woman is really a role model to young women in that outfit she wears. Tee-hee.

Saturday 10 July 2004, by Gwahir :

I won’t condemn Charisma for posing (which I have no right to do anyway). They are tasteful, clever and well-executed pictures and she wasn’t doing anything explicit or of such a nature.

However I will point out that it just was not a wise move, she would have been better off posing (a little more clothed) for Maxim or some such magazine - which would frankly show off her body just as well - or, at least until her career took off (which, let’s face it, it hasn’t) and she had some real achievements under her belt (no pun intended...;D) so she couldn’t sink it before it launched.

I don’t think she did anything WRONG or DISTASTEFUL, but I think it was an unwise career move.

Friday 6 August 2004, by beccakiwi :

The woman has had a baby and still has a hell of a figure-if you’ve got it, flaunt it!

Friday 24 September 2004, by Anonymous :

Im not so sure it was an unwise career choice. Look at all of the sucessful women who have posed in it before.

And as for Wonder Woman, thank gawd she isnt getting that role. I HATE Wonder Woman. Ugh.

Thursday 30 June 2005, by tom :

are you have fun good time

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