Monday 3 May 2004, by Anonymous :

wow they weren’t kidding about ending on a cliffhanger fingers crossed for a movie x

Monday 3 May 2004, by OmniGuy :

And so it ends... My God, it’s all seeming quite real now. Let’s hope the rumours about future angel projects are not just WB smoke screens and will become reality because... it can’t finish like this.

Well, I for one can’t wait to watch it. Three weeks to go!!!! The OmniGuy

Monday 3 May 2004, by Shadow :

This sounds like a great episode! Just so sad Angel is gone. I need tv movies after this! It sucks that it ends with a cliff hanger!

Monday 3 May 2004, by Aldonn :

This really does look like the end. There’s nothing after it. Everything will fall apart. The best TV show on the face of this earth will end, just as it reaches it’s climax while it is at it’s best, it will end, and we will never see the definitive ending. All this time, spent, for what? nothing. We won’t get an ending. It’s like reading most a book, but then stopping before you see how it ends.

Monday 3 May 2004, by Irishwonder :

That’s horrible. How can angel sign away the shanshu prophecy? I will be so upset it Spike becomes human eventually. By the way, seeing as how Joss made this a cliff hanger finale, doesn’t that mean that he’s expecting to finish this in a movie. Cause if the movie’s are uncertain this would be a horrible way to end the series.

Monday 3 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Wow! It sounds like a pretty packed finale. I don’t understand why Joss would end with a huge cliffhanger, as he has never ended with such uncertainty when he knew he wasn’t coming back. I can’t help but feel a little disappointed, but I’m glad they resolve Shanshu. It simply needed to be addresed.

Monday 3 May 2004, by Anonymous :

This is ridiculous. It would be like Buffy ending with the Slayers’ arrival in the Hellmouth. The army of ubervamps is comin...whats gonna happen... The End !!!! Big surprise except it jips the fans big time. We’ve watched these characters grow for 8 years and we don’t even know if they will win the battle?

Please, that just angers me.

Monday 3 May 2004, by Anonymous :

I hope it isn’t a cliff hanger like this cuz if it was... i think i’ll cry

Monday 3 May 2004, by Anonymous :

wow, and also damn I was hopeing Illyria would accualy turn into Fred for Wes’s last moment, I’m not really as Weasley/Fred Shipper but I thought that would be sweet, and give Wes a good ending. ahhh well I’m sure it’ll still be great

Monday 3 May 2004, by Gwahir :

Omg... I mean there’s sad and there’s sad, but this sounds just that - just epic - just perfect.

The final rush into battle is a work of genius, and I desperately hope they make a movie eventually (and even though I don’t know how they’ll do it after this battle, but I can tell you I have complete faith in Joss).

What is here - what I’ve just read - sounds like a fitting end to my favourite series.

See you Angel, we’ll miss you... and a huge thankyou Joss Whedon, for making a top-quality show worth watching for so long.

Monday 3 May 2004, by Katz :

What a way to end I hope this is for real. Sounds like and Epic ending which is fitting. Keep us all guessing let us finish the story ourselves with our own imagination. I hope the final scene is in slo mo. I am almost glad we find out early on about the Shanshu or lack of one. I hate to say it , I don’t want to say it but I can’t wait to see it. I am sure Joss, crew and the cast will have done the story justice.

Monday 3 May 2004, by hebe :

this episode will be the best though it ends with a cliffhanger... But the part lorne kills lindsey is so damn goodd!! Lorne just reaches the highest point of his charismaa!!! Still i hope there is a movie, but james marsters’ hair cut just gave the message huh??

Monday 3 May 2004, by Anonymous :

if they don’t make a movie they will really piss me off... if there is no movie then does this mean that all of them die or what??

Monday 3 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Man That is Awesome..! sorry about wes but it’s necessary..Damn it can’t finish like this.. So we just wait and see the TvMovie of Angel..Damn i gonna miss’em..Also Gunn became a sympathic and cool character because of that i wish gunn shouldn’t die..But his wounds were serious..But spike is the most charismatic character in the show..i hope spike gonna kill them all !!!

Monday 3 May 2004, by Lindsey :

i think you’re not right HEBE ! lindsey is a cool character..i think lorne shouldn’t shoot lindsey with a crossbow..Also lorne claims he’s not a good fighter..Then Why he shoot lindsey? That is ridiculous ! This is not Lorne’s Fight !! He works at the entertaintment department.Then he should entertain people.. ;)) !! sorry about lindsey.. :((

Monday 3 May 2004, by hebe :

yeah i agree he’s not a good fighter but that scene he shoot lindsey is good.. i only said that it will be the most charismatic part that lorne ever had... becouse he had nothing like that before. Also it’s a really good entartainment watching lorne killing lindsey, though i think lindsey is cool but someone has to die

Monday 3 May 2004, by Babywillow :

Wow, it sounds great!! I can’t wait to watch the final. I really hope it’s not the end of Angel, cause i can’t imagine life without the show...

Monday 3 May 2004, by Bry Katz :

Wow. I’m really wishing I hadn’t read this. But it’s too late to change that now, I guess.

Seems like a fitting end to the series in a lot of ways, though I do feel a little disappointed by a cliffhanger ending. The final episode of ReBoot, two and a half years ago, still doesn’t sit well with me, and I know I’ll feel uncomfortable about the end of Angel for some time (unless, of course, they do the movie thing after all).

The saddest part is knowing that Wes is going to die. He’s become my favourite character in the Whedonverse over the past few years, and I really think he had the most potential to carry on, should there be another spin-off in the future. He’s dealt with so much pain, loss, and suffering over the past two years, and there’s something very twisted about him simply dying in misery. But at the same time, he knowingly gave his life for the greater good, and died a hero.

I could comment more, but I honestly don’t feel like it. I’ll just say what so many have said already: damn, I’m going to miss this show.

Monday 3 May 2004, by hebe :

also it is not crossbow Lindsey!! IT is a gun.. read the summaries more carefully and relax a little man! Your situation is so desparate, you can not bound to lindsey all your life!! DO some entertainment , have funnn!!!

Tuesday 4 May 2004, by Annamaria :

oh my god! =( i cant believe harm had to give away the secret she was becoming so good finally and she just screwed it up.. at least shes still alive... unlike wes and lindsey!!! uugghh! y not kill gunn?!? wesley deserved to live hes been through hell he deserved to survive the apocalypse not die while not even fighting the senior partners!! poor baby!!! and lindsey has been around since day one of angel hes so cool he was a great kind of evil and im so sad that hes dead because of LORNE! wat the hell is up wit that??? lorne hasnt been doing anything this whole season, now he kills lindsey!?!?! watever...and angel! signing away the shanshu!! ive been reading an interview with james and he said he and some writer or something already are putting into works all these ideas for spike so it looks like hes going nowhere...and if angel has no chance of being human i guess that means once its all over spike will they should do the mini-movies thing for 2004-2005 and then once joss is done with serenity he should start this whole buffy/angel movie ive been hearing about...and with a lot of angel characters gone it would be a lot easier to combine everyone together - buffy, spike, angel, willow, xander, giles, andrew, illyria, and dawn...sounds good to me... its about time they made a real buffy movie... theres no way it would suck if joss does the whole thing...

Tuesday 4 May 2004, by wil-liam :

It is such a pity that wes dies with out doing any support, at least he could kill a vampire or something.. i think buffy-cast has nothing to do with the movie(at least yhey are not nessecary) ... if they join this movie thing will turn into a love triangle, It’s the best thing if they continue searching for potentialss whole over the world!! Joss has to finish it with only the angel-cast!

Tuesday 4 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Excellent... Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid meets The Wild Bunch. How Buffy Season 5 should have ended. Curious why Gunn doesn’t die, though... unless his injuries are obviously fatal. Go Joss!

Tuesday 4 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Whatever you say is not important ! because it’s ridicilous ! Lorne is a slacky and weak character and he’s not supposed to be in this serious war..!He supposed to go and entertain people and sing...Also crossbow or gun what’s the difference in that situation.?i mean i accept lindsey is going to die anyway.But at least angel should had killed him..

Tuesday 4 May 2004, by Anonymous :

if there is a TvMovie it would be very nice...

Wednesday 5 May 2004, by amanda :

annamaria u r wrong! gunn shouldnt die! i got nothing against wesley, but he died and thats THAT!!!! so deal with it

Thursday 6 May 2004, by henvey :

i dont think that there should be a movie made because leaving it on a cliffhanger then making a movie would just spoil angel being such a great show. although most of u want a movie i would think it would be a bit anti-climactic.

Friday 7 May 2004, by lucy d :

huh? i don’t get it? how can there be a cliff hanger?! i need to know what happens? it’s so unfair! i don’t get it? is it true that angel never gets to become human?! that’s just wrong! he was so chuffed about it too! i need answers mr whedon!

Wednesday 12 May 2004, by Ayanna :

It’s perfect. They’ve kinda won but no time for the victory cheers. They keep fighting. Perfect, absolutely perfect. Classic and perfect.

Friday 14 May 2004, by jenny :

i hate that it is ending and that wesely dies but i understand his death. he has been dead ever since fred died, just a corpse walking around waiting for his time to come and now he can have peace. now he won’t have to wake up everyday and know that fred is gone forever. maybe they should all die young, in their prime, fighting evil instead of fighting age in a graceless manner.

Saturday 15 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Ok. havent seen it yet but by the ending. it sucks. we need a definate ending. at the finale your always supposed to know who’s won and who hasnt. you can’t just make a move with ur axe and THATS IT!!! how is that the perfect ending, how will we know if they die? and if there is a movie then yes, its acceptable i guess but still theres no 100% confirmations as many of the stars said they havent even been asked. Grrrrrr. Chosen was so much better. because the way it ended buffy wasnt alone anymore wich is what she was about all along. like some1 said this finale of angel wud be like Buffy leading the potentials into the hellmouth seeing the uber-vamps and then THE END (what happens next) it wouldnt be right. There’s no definate ending, it ends like theres going to be a movie and if theres is no movie. thats it. grr this sucks. and for the people who says ’’it ends with the them fighting’’ ok they gave us the fight. but they dont give us the outcome. and i want to know why. It sounds sad. but still WE NEED TO KNOW.

Friday 21 May 2004, by Michelle :

That was horrible. Wesley dead and the cliffhanger. They have to do at least one movie to end this well. Cliffhanger is just so frustrating. And as Gunn said, 4 against 30 000? We better take the cliffhanger ’cause they have no chance to win and we don’t want to know what will happen. They screwed up the last episode. It’s sad. I have some comments: First of all, we see Wes conjuring a magic orb in his palm. Is Wes a wizard or sorcerer? In the Buffyverse and Angelverse, a sorcerer is someone born with magic powers. A wizard is someone who need to read some incantations or make some rituals in order to have temporary magic powers. Sorcerers and wizards are different. Someone know if Wes is (was, anyway) a sorcerer or a wizard, please tell me. I’m still intrigate by this conjuring orb thing. Secondly, Illyria changed, just as I thought she would. And people kept telling me "She’s evil and she’ll never changed". Wanna sing to those people "I told ya". She became quite attached to wes and even feel grief for his death, taking this as a loss. What she did for him while he was dying was the most wonderful good deed I’ve ever see coming from a demon for a human. Having saying that...I’ll go back to my room mourning this great tv show and I’ll be brooding for a while (I do that a lot now, I can relate to Angel).

Friday 21 May 2004, by Jonny farrell :

Gutted! What the hell is going on! It was so bloody abrupt! Dear Joss, Come on man, you created something rodenberryesque with the buffy/angelverse! What went wrong man. All the pruning, cutting and striving off at tangents to what might be expected was done with such flare a few series ago. At some point sir you must acknowledge that you need the grand, permanent ending... then to move on with a new ofspring series. See Cheers to Farzier for details. Get the act together man. You Rock

Jonny Ireland

Friday 21 May 2004, by Jonny farrell :

Gutted! What the hell is going on! It was so bloody abrupt! Dear Joss, Come on man, you created something rodenberryesque with the buffy/angelverse! What went wrong man. All the pruning, cutting and striving off at tangents to what might be expected was done with such flare a few series ago. At some point sir you must acknowledge that you need the grand, permanent ending... then to move on with a new ofspring series. See Cheers to Farzier for details. Get the act together man. You Rock

Jonny Ireland

Tuesday 25 May 2004, by Oranous :

What was you all expecting? I think that to have the ending the way it was was very close to a stroke of genius. Most of the ends have been tied and for the first time in the series i was actually happy with something that Lorn did. The fact that so many people are dying for the show to continue shows how good the conclusion was, when Buiffy ended and all the ends were tied it was like ’Oh, What now?’ With Angel there is a battle still being fought and that for me is the essence of the show.

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