Saturday 21 August 2004, by Anonymous :

whoa.I don’t know if Charisma should be a reg cast mem. She was part of the buffyverse fo’eva......and where can she go from there?...charmed?I’m STILL not saying that charmed is "THAT BAD" but... say it ain’t so! I think our gal should start doin’ movies!!!!!!!! But if she does end up on I said before....I shall tune in to that horrid network just to watch CC.

Saturday 21 August 2004, by I’veGotAGunAndMyNameIsGunn :

I’d love to see her as a regular. Ok yeah the show hasn’t been great during the past few seasons but Charisma could make it watchable again. :)

Saturday 21 August 2004, by Liz :

Hey, if it CC gets to be a regular cast member, that’s great for her. But even with CC on the show, I still won’t watch it.

Saturday 21 August 2004, by Anonymous :

This is great news I’m glad to see her in something watchable after being tortured watching Angel the past few years I’m glad Angel has been cancled season 5 was rubbish and Charmed is way better Joss needs to buck his ideas up.

Saturday 21 August 2004, by RH :

This is sort of a mixed blessing.

I think it’s unfortunate that Charisma Carpenter has to resort to guest appearances on "Charmed" for income. Unfortunate for her, I mean. The show (at least its last three seasons) simply doesn’t have the smart scripts that Charisma is used to from her time on "Buffy" and "Angel".

Having said that, I’ll also point out that Charisma was unceremoniusly axed from "Angel" with no warning. She has said herself that she was "devastated". And who wouldn’t be? Her steady income is gone, and roles, other than for the occasional TV movie, have been few and far between.

She deserves so much better. And even the chance of a "Cordelia" TV movie doesn’t seem likely.

Charisma may be typecast by this role as a Seer on "Charmed": she may well regret taking a second psychic role after already playing a psychic for four years.

Then again, who better to play someone with psychic powers than someone who has already portrayed a character with the same or similar powers? And after her sudden dismissal from the "Angel" set, she does need work.

I say "Go Charisma!" The show may not be top-notch, but her presence can only help the show, both ratings-wise and in terms of good acting. And even if the episodes aren’t very good, she will be collecting at least a few paychecks. :)

Sunday 22 August 2004, by Gonzalo :

Its obvious Kern wants to take some of the Angel viewers, specially after the sucky ratings of Charmed last season. They’ll probably put Charisma on some skimpy outfit - because Charmed has sunken so deep that now its all about tight outfits and Alyssa Milano.

Sunday 22 August 2004, by Katrina :

Wow, I remember once where she said that she wants to span her movie and television roles, where they look about all the same. I guess the WB is that desperate.

Sunday 22 August 2004, by Anonymous :

I am glad CC is getting roles, good for her really and truly. And I am not going to add much to this conversation because alot of it has been said anyways....Charmed not as great as a show. I am not going to watch the WB until they put my angel back on...and seeing as that will not happen they will never get me to view them again. CC is a beautiful wonderful talented actress...she doesn’t need to go back to that station or that show. She can get better work elsewhere!

Sunday 22 August 2004, by chinga747 :

well, Charmed has lowered it’s standards since the departure of Julian McMahon in mid 5th season and I agree with Danae’s statement that it’s all about tight skimpy clothes:/ I just hope they don’t put our girl in some awful makeup and worse still, make her a demon or sth; so she’d wear prosthetics from time to time!!

with that said, it’s soo heart warming that people are acknowledging CC’s talents, unlike some Joss Whedon types...

Monday 23 August 2004, by Gonzalo :

Charisma will play a demon, but a human-looking one. And they’ll probably put her on some skimpy outfit just to show of her body.

And by the way, in Charmed, people are not hired because of their talent, just because of their looks.

Monday 23 August 2004, by Lindsey’s Girl :

Charmed is a better show than the last two seasons of Angel will ever be. It was hell just watching the last two season just to hope you would get one good episode here or there. It would be great if Alyssa Milano character would just die already and Charisma could take her place

Monday 23 August 2004, by Anonymous :

would you guys just shut up about Charmed. Yes the girls do wear skimpy clothes, but you boys didn’t complain when charisma sold out and took all of hers off for playboy. What does that have to do with acting? She looked like a desperate slut.

Tuesday 21 September 2004, by J2U :

She is an actress just let her ACT!

Tuesday 21 September 2004, by Anonymous :

Has the world gone insane???? why are people saying charmed is better than B/A? i dont think its about skimpy outifits, but it doenst even TOUCH buffy or angel in terms of depth of characters, and emotionally moving episodes. charmed is like a bit of fun, which you can watch without getting heavily involved in it. im not saying its bad, but no one can tell me its better than buffy or angel. this will be a good role for CC, something light and happy, after the devastating ending of you’re welcome. and people complaining about her getting the short straw in season 4- go watch you’re welcome!! she got one of the best character send-offs i’ve seen. she was completely Cordy, and they made it clear many, many, many times that she was POSESSED, they never said that cordy had turned get over it people...and she’s hotter than any of the female charmed cast, like she was hotter than any of the buffy or angel female cast...she does these kinds of roles well- more power to her!

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