Friday 15 October 2004, by Elle23 :

grr! will everyone stop calling this a buffy clone!!

there is no way it is going to be as good as buffy but it still has some promise to be a okay show. and people are just going to be put of by people calling it a buffy clone because they will say ’oh its trying to replace buffy’ when it isnt!

from what i’ve seen it doesnt look much like it at all! it looks much more dark and aside from a few similarities its very different!

Saturday 16 October 2004, by SUSAN :

Ive seen the trailers and it looks nothing like Buffy..Is it because one of the girls has blonde hair like Sarah Gellar?? But I see no clone-ing here of Buffy the vampire slayer...looks more about Witchcraft/Reminds me of the movie "THE CRAFT",....But hay id watch it....if I lived in the UK that is.

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