Sunday 13 March 2005, by Anonymous :

I seem to remember that the connection was just an in-joke for the fans who knew she had been in a previous episode as someone else. Hmm.

Sunday 13 March 2005, by Anonymous :

In an interview in Buffy magazine she said that the characters were one in the same.

Sunday 13 March 2005, by Amanda :

If it were just an in-joke for the fans then how did Hallie know "William?" I really think it is the same character she must have just changed her name like every other demon on the show.

Monday 14 March 2005, by Nikkole :

This is true, but the writers changed the time in the flashbacks in "Selfless) of Hallie and Anyanka since they assumed that the fans would figure out she would have become a vengence demon in the 1800’s sometime AFTER Spike had been vamped. So, they did the connection as a joke in S6 but realized that the die-hard fans would have seen it as more than just a joke. They writers talk about in the commentary on the S7 dvds for the episode "Selfless".

Monday 14 March 2005, by Anonymous :

This IDW series is supposedly post-NFA, yet Halfrek was killed, really killed-like, by D’Hoffryn in BtVS: Selfless, (season 7.5). Is the whole comic going to be a flashback?

Monday 14 March 2005, by losthighway :

Hallie is dead. How is Spike going to to square off against her?

Monday 14 March 2005, by Roxy :

S’not that hard to figure out. The Actress who played Hallie, (Kali Rocha) also played William’s human crush Cecily, and confirmed in an interview once, that they were one in the same. sooo... yea. While he was human, Spike had a crush on Cecily who later turned into a demon... like he did. Actually, Cecily was the reason William was in an ally crying over his ripped up poetry that he wrote for her when he was found by Drusilla and turned. So... Yea, Kinda Cool! :D

Monday 14 March 2005, by Anonymous :

Nope, they said on a commentary that she really is Cecilly. I just don’t see how she could be on the comic if Hallie died on season 7.

Monday 14 March 2005, by Sam :

Yeah but by season7 they decided it wasnt so much so that they changed the date of a flashback in ’Selfless’ to fit the whole Halfrek/Cecily storylne.

Monday 14 March 2005, by Eduardo : did Spike (die, I mean die as a vampire in not fade away - yes, they all die, cmon. just Ilyria had a shot there). It’s jossverse, being dead means you’ll work more.

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